Portuguese version

Lusoarenas -  Total Project Development, from the first Market and Feasibility Studies to the long-term overall management of your Entertainment and Sports Facilities.    Lusoarenas -  Improve your performance, focus your efforts in managing your team and let your facilities be managed by the best professionals in the market.
Current Projects
Projects in Brazil
  PE - Pernambuco
  • Stadium in Recife - PE
  BA - Bahia
  • Events Complex Salvador - BA
  MG - Minas Gerais
  • Stadium in Belo Horizonte - MG
  SP - São Paulo
  • Stadium in São Paulo - SP
  ES - Espírito Santo
  • Vitória Convention Center - ES
  RJ - Rio de Janeiro
  • Arena and Convention Center in Rio de Janeiro - RJ
  • Stadium in Rio de Janeiro - RJ
  RS - Rio Grande do Sul
  • Stadium in Porto Alegre - RS

last update: 23-12-2008
© 2008 Lusoarenas