Portuguese version

Lusoarenas -  Total Project Development, from the first Market and Feasibility Studies to the long-term overall management of your Entertainment and Sports Facilities.    Lusoarenas -  Improve your performance, focus your efforts in managing your team and let your facilities be managed by the best professionals in the market.
Related Points:
The most adequate solution for Brazilian Clubs
Requirements to obtain a modern Stadium
Stadiums must have everything that gives satisfaction to partners and supporters and also increases the Club performance in every way:
Desenho atraente e acabamentos próprios da região em que se inserem.
Conforto e segurança assegurando satisfação do público, garantir o “momento mágico”, a experiência inesquecível.
Tecnologia de ponta que lhe dê notoriedade e o transforme em símbolo de modernidade do seu Clube.
Tamanho e capacidade adequados que lhe permita ser rentável e maximizar as receitas para o Clube, com a valorização dos seus principais activos:
  • Game Day ticket sales,
  • Sale of its permitted products,
  • Symbol of excellence, thereby bringing value to its television transmissions,
  • Viability of "seaseon Tickets" sales.
Requirements to obtain a modern Stadium:

How can a Club in Brazil have a modern Stadium as it’s home?
It has to find alternative solutions to Private Bank financing as they do not finance this type of project
It needs to have a strong equity base
It must minimize the use of resources of the Municipal, State and Federal Governments, therefore reducing:
  • Rates
  • Regulations
  • Delays
It needs to understand that there are not standard solutions for different cities and markets, each is a separate situation.

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last update: 23-12-2008
© 2008 Lusoarenas