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Lusoarenas -  Total Project Development, from the first Market and Feasibility Studies to the long-term overall management of your Entertainment and Sports Facilities.    Lusoarenas -  Improve your performance, focus your efforts in managing your team and let your facilities be managed by the best professionals in the market.
Related Points:
The most adequate solution for Brazilian Clubs
A more suitable solution
Why would the Club be the owner of a new stadium?
  • General thinking is that if the Club is in control of the stadium then it is in control on its future. Is this correct?
  • Why then have the majority of modern businesses sold their own headquarters and are renting them back? In modern management companies concentrate on their core-business and do not want to focus the attention of its management on other things.
  • Should the decision relative to the ownership of the Stadium consider the minority with solutions from the past, or should they develop a vision for the future?
The best of the two worlds - to have your "own house" without having the worries
  • The best situation is that the Stadium is the property of a private entity that operates it and keeps it for a period of 30 years. The club then has the security of playing there for 30 years and can focus on the quality of the team in order to attract its supporters.
  • All the solutions are, and must be, good for all sides: Stadium Owner/Operator and Club; Sponsor and Owner; Sponsor and Club; Club and Championships.
  • All Stadiums must promote different activities during the year without creating extra risks or having conflicts within the public that is its target.
Advantages for the Club
Guaranteed revenues - the Club gains advantage from "Match Day" revenues, at least to the extent that it’s games in the official competitions and the results of the games can provide.
(The Arsenal obtained £4 Million from the non-championship games in its Stadium and £3 Million for games within the championshi).

Season Tickets, these can be sold easier when the demand is bigger that the supply.

More Revenues - A New Stadium will give the club a good opportunity for strong growth through:
  • Tickets - more supporters better able to pay more.
  • Average attendance at games will increase.
  • Changing the profile of the Club and the Stadium will increase the average value of the total experience to the spectator.
Value of its image and name.
Revenues will increase from merchandising and its registered products.
Focus totally on it’s main activity
  • Develop only what the club can control: Match Day and the value of Merchandising.
  • Depend less on the revenues from television transmission which are not controlled or managed by the Club.
  • This model will allow the Club only to be concerned about its primary activities, which are to win competitions, to develop players and to keep them in the team until reaching their highest value.
  • Reduce the fixed assets and associated costs.
  • Reduction in the cost of maintaining the infrastructure that is only used on "match day" and drains revenues daily.
  • Possibility to use its real estate to generate more income.

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last update: 23-12-2008
© 2008 Lusoarenas